Title Author Dedication Reading Aid Contents Acknowledgements Assignment
The Kaurna
Early Years
Land Grants
Skilly Creek
Land Claim
The Civilising
1860 Report
Tom & Tim
KudnartoBIBLIOGRAPHYThe following is a compilation of Primary Source Documents mentioned throughout the text. In addition there is a comprehensive list of Secondary Source Documents which have assisted immensely in fleshing out the story of Kudnarto. PRIMARY SOURCE DOCUMENTS The GRG series of documents relates to the Government Record Group. These are located at the State Archives, King William Road, North Adelaide. The PRG series of documents relates to the Private Record Group. These are located at the Mortlock Library, North Terrace, Adelaide. Newspapers are located at the Mortlock Library in microfilm form. Births Deaths and Marriage records are found in microfische form at both the State Archives and Mortlock Library. Department of Lands and Surveys, Old Treasury Building, King William Street, Adelaide. The office has all the Field Books of the surveyors, Survey Maps and the V Books which are Volumes detailing the opening up of land to various settlers. Each area in South Australia has a description and history. BOOKS AND ARTICLES A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 'Pootpobberrie an Aboriginal Legend', The Public Service Review, February 1913. 'Transactions of the Statistical Society - Report on the Aborigines of South Australia', The Southern Australian, 11 January, 1842. Act No. 12, 7o & 8o Victoria, South Australian Acts. Act No. 20 of 1981, 30o Elizabethae II, Pitjantjatjara Land Rights Act, South Australian Acts. Act No. 3 of 1984, 33o Elizabethae II, Maralinga Tjarutja Land Rights Act, South Australian Acts. Act Number 8, 7o & 8o Victoria (Assented 12 August 1844), South Australian Acts. Act XCV, 4o & 5o Guliemi IV, (1835) The Statutes of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol 13, Eyre and Spottiswoode London. Adelaide Chronicle Adler, E., et. al., Justice for Aboriginal Australians, Australian Council of Churches, 1981. Attorney General v. Brown, (1847) 1 Legge 312. Australia (1973) Aboriginal Land Rights Commission: First Report, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. Australia (1974) Australian Government Commission of Inquiry into Poverty, Aboriginals and Islanders in Brisbane, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. Australian Joint Copying Project, Public Records Office in London, Reel 3214. Australian Government Publishing Service. Australia (1974) Aboriginal Land Rights Commission: Second Report, Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service. Bateson, M., (1899), Records of the Borough of Leicester, Cambridge. Beaglehole, J.C., ed, (1968) The Journals of Captain Cook, Cambridge University Press. Blackstone, Commentaries. Bennet, J.F., (1842) The South Australian Almanack and General Directory for 1842, Robert Thomas & Co., Adelaide. Bloomfield, P., (1961) Edward Gibbon Wakefield, Builder of the British Commonwealth, Longman London. Bourke, C., Johnson, C., & White, I., (1981), Before the Invasion: Aboriginal Life to 1788, Oxford University Press, Melbourne. Brennan, F., (1985) Aboriginal land rights in WA: a property rights approach, AIPP Critical Issues 1 - Land Rights and Legitimacy, Perth. Brennan, F., Land Rights Queensland Style, University of Queensland, 1992. Brock, P., (1989), Poonindie, The Rise and Destruction of an Aboriginal Agricultural Community, South Australian Government Printer, Adelaide. Budden, C, (1982) A Question of Balance, Costless Printing. Bull, J., (1884) Early Experiences of Life in South Australia, Adelaide.
Calder v Attorney-General of British Columbia, (1973) 34 D.L.R (3d). Cawthorne, W.A. "Rough notes on the manners and customs of the Natives", Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of South Australia, 1925-26, Vol 27. Clark, C.M.H., (1973), A History of Australia, Vol. 3, Melbourne University Press. Criminal Sentences index cards, State Records Centre, GRG 36/1. Dampier, W, (1937) A New Voyage Round the World, Black, London. Department of Aboriginal Affairs, Exploration and Mining on Aboriginal Land in the Northern Territory, Canberra, 1988. Edwards, M., (1986), Tracing Kaurna Descendants: The Saga of a Family Dispossessed, Unpublished typescript, South Australian Education Department, Adelaide. Edwards, R., (1975), The Kaurna People of the Adelaide Plains, Museum, Adelaide. Eldershaw, B., (1977) Phillip of Australia, Angus & Robertson, London. Engel, F., The Position of the Australian Aborigines, Australian Council of Churches, 1978. Evatt, E., (1968) "The Acquisition of Territory in Australia and New Zealand", Grotian Society Paper. Eyre, E.J., (1845), Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia and Overland From Adelaide to King George’s Sound in the Years 1840-1, London. Fisher, T. (1993) Mabo and the Monarchy, NSW National Party Conference, Wagga Wagga, Sunday, 20 June 1993. Goldsmith, O., (1909), The Deserted Village, London. Guerin v. The Queen (1985) 13 D.L.R (4th) 321 (S.C.C). Hale, M.B., (1889), The Aborigines of Australia: Being an Account of the Institution for their Education at Poonindie in South Australia, London, SPCK. Halsbury's Laws of England, Property Law, Vol 22. Hamann, J., (1973) The Coorong Massacre, Flinders Journal of History and Politics. Hamlet of Baker Lake and Ors. v. Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (1980), 107 D.L.R. (3rd) 513 (F.C.T.D.). Hammerton, J.A., (ed), Cassell's World Pictorial Gazetteer, Cassell, London. Heeres, JE, (1899) The Part Borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia 1606-1765, Luzac London. Hobbes, T., (1914) Leviathan, Everyman edition, JM Dent, London. Hoad, JL (Bob), (1986), Hotels and Publicans in South Australia 1836 - 1984, Australian Hotels Association, Adelaide. Houston, C., & Ellis, B., (1976), The Aboriginal Inhabitants of the Adelaide Plains, Aboriginal and Historic Relics Administration, Adelaide.
In re. Southern Rhodesia (1919) A.C. 211.
Johnson v McIntosh (1823), 21 U.S. 240. Kurdsen, S., (1971), Graphology - The New Science, Galahad Books, New York. Le Case de Tanistry (1608) Davis 28; 80 E.R. 516. Legislative Council Select Committee, (1860), Report on the Aborigines, Paper 165, SA Govt. Printer. Lindley, (1926), The Aquisition and Government of Backward Territory in International Law.
Mabo v. Queensland (1992) 175 C.L.R. 1, (1992) 107 A.L.R. 1. Maddock, K., (1974) The Australian Aborigines, Penguin, Melbourne. Maddock, K., (1983)Your Land is Our Land, Penguin, Melbourne. Manning, G.H., (1990) Manning's Place Names of South Australia, Adelaide. Marjoribanks, A., (1843) Travels in New South Wales, London. Marx, K., (1890), Capital, Vol. 1, Progress Publishers, Moscow. Meyer, H.E.A., "Manners and Customs of the Aborigines of the Encounter Bay Tribe", published in Wood, D., et. al., (1879), The Native Tribes of South Australia, E.S. Wigg & Son, Adelaide. Milirrpum and Ors. v. Nabalco Pty Ltd and the Commonwealth of Australia, (1971) 17 F.L.R. 141. Morse, BW, (1987) Providing Land and Resources for Aboriginal Peoples, Ontario. Murray, A., (1848) The South Australian Almanack and Town and Country Directory for 1848, Murray, Adelaide. Nganyinutja, (1993) Anangu Pitjantjatjara Homelands Policy, Anangu Pitjantjatjara Umuwa. Peterson & Langton, ed., (1983) Aborigines, Land and Land Rights, AIAS, Canberra. Phillip, J., (1962) A Grand View of Things: Edward Gibbon Wakefield, Nelson Melbourne. Pittock, B., (1972) Aboriginal Land Rights, IWGIA, Copenhagen. Pope, A., (1989) Resistance and Retaliation - Aboriginal-European Relations in Early Colonial South Australia, Heritage Action Bridgewater. Protector's Report, Second Quarter 1842, June 30 1842 - South Australian Public Records Office, CSO 483/1842. Queensland Parliamentary Debates, Vol. LXXXVI (1901). Rev. Davies, D., (1795), The Case of Labourers in Husbandry stated and considered, London. Roberts, J., (1981) Massacres To Mining - The Colonisation of Aboriginal Australia, Dove Communications, Victoria. Robinson and York, (1977) The Black Resistance, Widescope. Schürmann, E., (1987) I'd Rather Dig Potatoes: Clamor Schurmann and the Aborigines of South Australia, 1838 - 1853, Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide. Select Committee on South Australia, British Parliamentary Papers, (1841) Volume IV, Paper Number 394. Short, T., (1850) Timothy Short's Journal of Passing Events, Adelaide. Simon v. The Queen (1986) 24 D.L.R. (4th) 390 (S.C.C.). South Australian Aboriginal Child Care Agency Forum Constitution and Statement of Principles. South Australian Government Gazette. South Australian. Taplin, G, (1864) Yarildewallin, South Australian Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Taplin, G., "The Narrinyeri", published in Wood, D., et. al., (1879), The Native Tribes of South Australia, E.S. Wigg & Son, Adelaide. Teichelmann, C.G., (1841), Aborigines of South Australia, SA Wesleyan Methodist Auxiliary Missionary Society, Adelaide. Teichelmann, C.G., and Schürmann, C.W., (1840), Outlines of a Grammar, Vocabulary, and Phraseology of the Aboriginal Language of South Australia, Adelaide. The Aborigines Act of 1911 (SA). The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace, (1978), Aborigines - A Statement of Concern, EJ Dwyer, Sydney. The Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints, (March 1992), International Geneological Index. The Legislative Council Select Committee, (1860) Report on the Aborigines, Paper 167, SA Govt Printer. The South Australian Resgister. Third Report of Colonization Commissioners for South Australia, Parliamentary Papers, (1839) Volume XVII, Paper Number 255, Appendix Number 11. Tindale, W.B., (1974), Aboriginal Tribes of Australia, 2 Volumes, Canberra. Wakefield, E.G., (1929), A Letter From Sydney and Other Writings, Everyman Edition, J.M. Dent, London. Wakefield, E.G., (1962) Plan of a Company to be Established for the Purpose of Founding a Colony in South Australia, Facsimile Edition, Adelaide. Websters Encyclopaedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, 1989, New York. Williams v. Attorney-General for New South Wales (1913) 16 C.L.R. 404. Worcester v. Georgia (1832) 31 U.S. 350. Wyatt, W., "The Adelaide Tribe", published in Wood, D., et. al., (1879), The Native Tribes of South Australia, E.S. Wigg & Son, Adelaide. Wylly, (1923), Manchester Regiment, London. Yelland, E.M., (1970), Colonists, Copper and Corn, Hawthorn Press, Melbourne.
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